Thursday 20 October 2011

Update: A New Plan- Newfoundland's Best!

Hey folks, seeing as how there is nowhere near enogh time for me to blog regularly, I'm going to catch up by doing provincial summary blogs and try to do one weekly. I'll just post more pics and commennt a little.Here goes...
Day 10,11 and 12 I spent with my wife arriving in Corner Brook and the weekend touring around the west coast of "The Rock".
Aren't we cute!

THIS TEAM ROCKS! This was beside a beautiful river at the End Of Day ceremony in Corner Brook.

The next day was event day on the breathtaking Bay in Corner Brook.

We had our setup displays and wheelchair basketball.

After a while we all got into the Zumba!

We had a nice hotdog lunch  :) and then Lynn and I took off to seehow far west we could possibly go past Corner Brook. Another corner of Beautiful Canada!

We're staying here when we go back!

THIS is the farthest point west of Corner Brook that you can drive to.

We went to Grosse Mourne the next day and took the Bonne Bay boat tour.

That's the picture I took, Lynn took the rest and their they stayed.... on her Camera. Really great day though and spectacular scenery. Tomorrow I say goodbye till October to Lynn and carry on to Stephenville.
My Stephenville group!

Stephenville crossing with the boyscouts!
Bowling with my group in Georges Bay. Video to follow.

Well-o Lukey's boat is painted green, Ahhh me boys!

The Port-Aux-Basques group!

Windy, rainy, magical Port-Aux-Basques.

Team dinner at......

Great restaurant on the wind ravaged coast with AMAZING seafood ..... obviously!
That night was VERY windy, worst winds in 20 years and the ferry couldn't dock at 8pm..... it got in at 5am. We boarded, finally and after a rough cabin ride (I LOVED IT!) we left our first province headed to Nova Scotia.

The next day arriving in Sydney, the calm before ... and after the storm.

Day 8 Event Day in Grand Falls

Mr.Sun really loves our company cuz HE"S STILL HERE! WOO HOO!
And we're off to the Corduroy Brook Nature Trail, an amazing park that has 15 kms. of trails, seven of which are wheelchair accessible. Believe me I know, I pushed over them! A few local gentlemen have created the Park and maintain it year round which is a big job. There are lots of bird habitats, rabbits, fish, oh so many beavers and as always in Newfoundland, a few moose.
I got a great surprise when we arrived and got off the shuttle. The most beautiful Newfie dog I had ever seen ... and friendliest too!
After we kissed a while we started our park tour. I got a real treat next. The park has a wheelchair accessible swing that I drove RIGHT UP ON! It was awesome! Swinging for the first time in 14 years, I was really elated! Video to follow.
Next we toured the park and saw lots of evidence of beaver activity.
There were chewed tree stumps EVERYWHERE! Wish I had my electric chair for the hills!
After we left the park we went across town and all had fish n chips for lunch at the salmon ladder!
It was yummy AND educational.

This was amazing to see in person, beside these beatiful falls, a series of pools up the hill to the river above and fish were jumping up into each adjoining pool. I wanted to fish from here!

It was a beautful day with georgeous scenery. Can't wait to come back fully equiped with vacation time!

Monday 12 September 2011

Day 7 - Gander to Glandford to Grand Falls

Started another glorious sunny day with Dawn as my driver. We left the crossroads city of Gander and headed off to our meeting point in the small town of Glanford. I had read my notes the night before on our medal bearers and I was already impressed but I had no idea these people were going to affect me so powerfully. Dawn and I arrived early (as usual) at the Town Hall/Library and set up in a meeting room at the rear of the building where they had drinks and snacks set up for everyone. Soon our Medal Bearers arrived and we met Mike, a special olympics athlete who had won NFLD Athlete of the year awards and had medaled 80 times in his athletic career. We met Christine, who runs the local day care/ preschool and volunteers in all community events that she can while teaching Zumba and raising her family. We met Derm Flynn, the mayor of neighbouring Appleton and a community builder and leader for 50 years. And last but not least, local personality Kenny who has been instrumental in the lives of all in the community for over 50 years. Kenny had suffered a stroke last year and was now wheelchair bound.
Derm spoke first and chose not to speak of his difference making but sing the praises of Kenny and told us of Kenny's dedication to the community. Soon most of us were crying, I'm tearing up as I remember and write.... Mike's dad shared his story about the shining example his son has set for all about leading by example and doing whatever one can do to help. Christine was next and shared her story of overcoming her educational barriers to help her son and become the leader in the community that she is, she also presented her Zumba group with t-shirts commemorating the event. We finished by doing the "warm-up" outside in the parking lot with some kids and more people from the community. We all had a great time dancing in the street.
While boarding the shuttle a lady approached me and said "It's such an honor to meet you Rick and I think you're amazing!" To which I replied, "... Jake. It's Jake Lawless but I know it's easy to confuse us ... we look so much alike.  : )  So we both smiled, and although she was a little embarassed we wished each other Good day and carried on.
Our medal bearers werereally excited and I had to go with Kenny on his segment... untill a lady stopped me to make a donation. Newfies are soooo generous!
Off to Grand Falls!
Dawn and I checked into the Hotel and hurried off to the EOD. It was in the local arena and the ice rink (no ice) was full of chairs with a large stage at the end. I spent the afternoon in front of the RHF tents chatting to people and doing merchandising. Some people were REALLY mad Rick was not here. Someone in town said he would be.... rumours, rumours! We did our best explaining the situation.
I met a brave young fellow there named Tyler who had, some months before, had a motorcycle accident. Talking with him and his family I learned that he was having a hard time with his recovery, how hard and frustrating it is and how long it takes. It took me right back to rehab and the early days in North Hamilton. I really empathized with Tyler and I told him what helped me. Hard work, patience and seeing the glass half full. I looked him in the eye and told him what I honestly believe helped me and would help him, that tomorrow will be a better day, keep working, you'll get tired and mad and sad and want to quit but keep going... and tomorrow will be a better day I promise. Good luck Tyler, we'll meet again, and it WILL be better.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Day 5 - Glovertown to Gambo to Gander

Mr.Sun was up to meet us again this morning so Pat and I again got up and boarded our shuttle and headed off down the highway from Glovertown to our meeting point in Gambo. When we arrived we got a pleasent surprise ... Gambo was a small community but had a big, beautiful, new and accessible park with a huge tent set up for the days festivities. Another amazing group met us and were very open to sharing the stories about their "difference making" in the community. Peter and Verna Lush were well known in the community, Peter the Mayor (who loves to talk as much as me!) kept the group entertained with tales about the town and its growth and struggles over the years. Verna was humble but I eventually got her talking about her volunteer work with SCI patients that basically mirrored my own. I felt a real connection to Verna and actually accompanied her on her Medal Bearer segment (see pics on Rick Hansen on FB).
The whole town was great and made us a big lunch and even planted a tree with a plaque to commemorate the occasion. Verna actually met Rick here 25 years ago which was 2 days after she returned home from the hospital following a car accident that gave her an SCI. You can see a picture of the meeting on the table while Verna cuts the cake.

Behind Verna to the left is Noelle who really impressed me as well. A beautiful young lady who volunteers extensively in her community and is heavily involved in Air Cadets and I just know she's going to accomplish amazing things in her life and for her country. If only all our youth were like her!
How is every day so awesome?!? Thank you Gambo!

Day 4- Clarenville to Glovertown

Woke up this morning.... smile with the rising sun.... 3 little birds..... yada yada yada. I actually woke up to this, Sonny, our indurance participant, deeply engrossed in his morning yoga on the front lawn of the hotel.
I left Sonny and boarded the shuttle with Pat to head off to greet our group in Glovertown. We found the local arena and got set up and were soon met by a really energetic group. I have to say though I had a favorite participant. His name is Josh and he's 22. Josh was full of energy and talking constantly, obviously he was excited. Once we got on the shuttle Josh and I entertained the group with a lot of singing ... Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Red Hot Chilli Peppers just to name a few. Josh even serenaded the crowd at the Traytown town hall! He helped make everyones day. He's on the far right.

Afer the medal was retired some people from Glovertown played a game of softball against the relay team. Rick's team did the same thing 25 years ago so it was pretty special! This is Josh from our team about to crush one to advance runners and take his base.

After the game we went shopping for a BBQ by the bay at Noah's On the Point Hotel where we had decks off our rooms. Soooo pretty, great sunset and then beautiful stars. Another fantastic day!

Monday 29 August 2011

Day 3- Mt.Pearl to Clarenville

Mr. Sun was out again today and Dawn (driver) and I started out in Paradise, NFLD. Our Medal Bearers here were Cassidy, Carolyn, Kay and Kelizabeth... no misprint, we renamed her to match the others. :)
They took the medal from the highway to a community center where Rick arrived and got a gym full of kids fired up about being future difference makers. It was a real tear jerker! My camera took fuzzy pictres in the gym but I'll post one anyway.

I got to talk to Rick outside in the parking lot on the way to our vehicles, Today was his birthday and we were joking about our ages.... we're BOTH 29! He got serious for a moment and started to thank me for what I was doing. I laughed and said it was my pleasure and that it's been a dream of mine to be doing the relay and there was NO WAY he could have kept me from it, which he chuckled at. He was probably thinking "Oh yeah?!" We went our separate way and agreed to chat later that day.
On to Clarenville! Dawn and I sailed down the transcanada for a couple hours and had a very picturesque and blustery ride. Once, the shuttle was blown right over into the other lane! "Hold on to 'er Dawn!" I laughed.
Arriving in Clarenville we checked into our hotel and went for lunch downtown. I had a seafood chowder that really was heavenly! I love the Rock!
We got to our meeting point early and met our contact person and Greg, who is an abulatory SCI. Greg was the days final medal bearer and did his rehab in Lyndhurst in Toronto where, it turns out we know alot of the same people. It was like meeting an old friend for the first time. Greg got to pass the medal to Rick at the EOD.

The rest of our group eventually showed up and most of them were young adults who were really fired up and having a great time. The whole group was talking excitedly while going out to the relay and were yelling, shouting and whistling out the windows at people as we passed. We all had so much fun. They even brought a town flag for everyone in the group and on the road crew to sign and give to Rick for his birthday.

The EOD ceremony was a huge party and we had fantastic music by a local band called "Slainte"(Irish pronunciation).

I had a great time dancing to the music and talking to Barb, Kimberley and Olivia. We had such an amazing day.
At the end I got to tell Rick a little about my idea for an intensive treadmill training study and I said that I'd love to hear his opinions about it. He told me it was a great dream and that he'd like a little time to think about it and that we could discuss it further in Halifax. I also told him that there's about 200 people in Hamilton who are bugging me to ask him to make an appearance there although I know his schedule is very full. No promises yet but he'll see what he can do. Fingers crossed!
After the EOD, we all retired to our hotel and me, having the biggeest room, held a small chess tourny..... where I had my hat handed to me by both Kyle and Nish! They battled each other till midnight when I kicked them out. G'night guys!

Day 2- St.John's to Mt.Pearl

We were blessed with another warm sunny day and Pat (driver) and I started the day at the Kenmount Rd. McDonalds in St.John's. WOW! What a reception and start to our day. We had 18 amazing Medal Bearers,  community difference makers, an olympic athlete and a member of Provincial Parliament. To top all THAT off, Rick showed up to greet our participants and speak to a representative from McDonalds who gave us all a special surprise.... a check from McDonalds for 2 MILLION dollars! Yup, ya heard me right... 2 million. After a quick group photo op we boarded the shuttle and completed our relay section.

We moved on to our End of Day ceremony in beautiful, and hilly :( , Mt.Pearl. There was some great musical talent to warm up the crowd before Rick arrived on the scene to speak to them. There was a large crowd and everyone was excited and eager to meet Rick and celebrate with him. Dummy me, was getting into everything (music, conversation) and didn't take pics! Live and learn. On to Clarenville tamarraw!

Sunday 28 August 2011

Day 1 Cape Spear to St.John's

Well it's finally here! The 25th Anniversary Relay is beginning and for the next 273 days we will be making our way across our great nation relaying the Rick Hansen medal via 7000 participants, or "difference makers", from Cape Spear to Vancouver on May 22nd.
And I almost screwed up the start........ I set my alarm for 5pm instead of 5am and woke up with 15 minutes to get dressed, eat breakfast and meet Wendy (driver) downstairs. Luckily when we got to our meeting point we were on parking duty for the Cape Spear shuttles and weren't busy.
Later I did what is called a "spider section", a relay detour, to Signal Hill. I was lucky enough to take the medal up to the Cabot Tower and relay it to my first participant.
I have to say, the view of St.John's is spectacular! It's easily one of the most beautiful places in Canada.
I then had my second group of the day who were really excited to be part of the relay. It was a great group of people with a wide range of involvement in the community.

Our final medal bearer carried the medal into Memorial University where Rick came to speak to everyone. And some people came to see me! Ailsa ,from Grimsby, Sarah, from MacWheelers and Pam from French-camp. It was great to see them all.
 The day ended with dinner at the Battery (great seafood chowder) with Ailsa and Kate. An amazing start to an amazing journey. Thankyou all for a perfecct day!
Can't wait for Day 2!