Thursday 20 October 2011

Update: A New Plan- Newfoundland's Best!

Hey folks, seeing as how there is nowhere near enogh time for me to blog regularly, I'm going to catch up by doing provincial summary blogs and try to do one weekly. I'll just post more pics and commennt a little.Here goes...
Day 10,11 and 12 I spent with my wife arriving in Corner Brook and the weekend touring around the west coast of "The Rock".
Aren't we cute!

THIS TEAM ROCKS! This was beside a beautiful river at the End Of Day ceremony in Corner Brook.

The next day was event day on the breathtaking Bay in Corner Brook.

We had our setup displays and wheelchair basketball.

After a while we all got into the Zumba!

We had a nice hotdog lunch  :) and then Lynn and I took off to seehow far west we could possibly go past Corner Brook. Another corner of Beautiful Canada!

We're staying here when we go back!

THIS is the farthest point west of Corner Brook that you can drive to.

We went to Grosse Mourne the next day and took the Bonne Bay boat tour.

That's the picture I took, Lynn took the rest and their they stayed.... on her Camera. Really great day though and spectacular scenery. Tomorrow I say goodbye till October to Lynn and carry on to Stephenville.
My Stephenville group!

Stephenville crossing with the boyscouts!
Bowling with my group in Georges Bay. Video to follow.

Well-o Lukey's boat is painted green, Ahhh me boys!

The Port-Aux-Basques group!

Windy, rainy, magical Port-Aux-Basques.

Team dinner at......

Great restaurant on the wind ravaged coast with AMAZING seafood ..... obviously!
That night was VERY windy, worst winds in 20 years and the ferry couldn't dock at 8pm..... it got in at 5am. We boarded, finally and after a rough cabin ride (I LOVED IT!) we left our first province headed to Nova Scotia.

The next day arriving in Sydney, the calm before ... and after the storm.

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