Sunday 28 August 2011

Day 1 Cape Spear to St.John's

Well it's finally here! The 25th Anniversary Relay is beginning and for the next 273 days we will be making our way across our great nation relaying the Rick Hansen medal via 7000 participants, or "difference makers", from Cape Spear to Vancouver on May 22nd.
And I almost screwed up the start........ I set my alarm for 5pm instead of 5am and woke up with 15 minutes to get dressed, eat breakfast and meet Wendy (driver) downstairs. Luckily when we got to our meeting point we were on parking duty for the Cape Spear shuttles and weren't busy.
Later I did what is called a "spider section", a relay detour, to Signal Hill. I was lucky enough to take the medal up to the Cabot Tower and relay it to my first participant.
I have to say, the view of St.John's is spectacular! It's easily one of the most beautiful places in Canada.
I then had my second group of the day who were really excited to be part of the relay. It was a great group of people with a wide range of involvement in the community.

Our final medal bearer carried the medal into Memorial University where Rick came to speak to everyone. And some people came to see me! Ailsa ,from Grimsby, Sarah, from MacWheelers and Pam from French-camp. It was great to see them all.
 The day ended with dinner at the Battery (great seafood chowder) with Ailsa and Kate. An amazing start to an amazing journey. Thankyou all for a perfecct day!
Can't wait for Day 2!

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